Condors Nest

American war veteran Will Spalding has tracked the sadistic Nazi Colonel who executed his bomber crew during WWII to a remote location in South Americ ..
Starring:Michael Ironside, Arnold Vosloo, Jackson Rathbone
Creators:Phil Blattenberger
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"Condors Nest" ... American war veteran Will Spalding has tracked the sadistic Nazi Colonel who executed his bomber crew during WWII to a remote location in South America. But he is in for more than he bargained for when he uncovers a secret Nazi headquarters known as the Condor's Nest..

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Condors Nest

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Condors Nest

Condors Nest

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Release Date
Action, War
Added in
January 25, 2024
Michael Ironside Arnold Vosloo Jackson Rathbone Jorge Garcia Bruce Davison

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